Monday, October 12, 2009

Today's Reason

When I woke up this morning and stuffed my running gear into a Target bag, I had every intention of running at my favorite lake in East County after school. But I didn't do it. Instead, I am here, sitting on my couch with said bag next to me on the floor staring me down. No really- it is. It's not that my day was especially exhausting, and it's not that the weather isn't perfect (because it is), and it's not even that my students pissed me off today (even though a few did when they asked if I had their essays for them. No I do not have your essay graded for you because you turned it in Friday...the same day 80 of your classmates also turned in their papers. Do you honestly think you are so important that I will spend the whole of my weekend wading through 80 essays about "The Most Memorable Event" in your ridiculously teenaged life? )...So no, it was for no other reason than: I just didn't feel like changing into my running clothes. It can be that simple sometimes.

This is the first part of the battle when it comes to running- at least for me. If I can get the clothes on, I can get my run on. That's why instead of telling you about how glorious and serene the lake was today, I'll probably do my usual three-mile loop around the neighborhood (which is the one map I won't be sharing with the world-wide web for self-preservational reasonings).

At some point I'll be adding links that give maps/driving directions to the lakes and trails I "test run." But today is a local day.

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