Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Season, New Look, New 'Tude

I felt my blog needed an attitude change... the grayish-green background with small font was starting to depress me. So since it's almost fall, and fall is my favorite, I gave it new school year/fall face lift. I love running in San Diego's fall weather because I can easily shift from the cool morning runs of summer to the cool evening runs of fall with little temperature shift or divergence from my weekly mileage. (With the exception of this first week of school...which is two hours away from being officially last week's first week of school.)

I'll soon be able to frequent my old friend, Lake Murray. It's still a bit too warm at 3:00 in the afternoon for a 6 miler in east county, but give it a couple weeks and we'll be picking up right where we left off last May.

I can feel the season starting to shift ever so slightly. It's harder to see in Southern California, than in other parts of the country, but it's noticeable in the produce section of the market, the flower selection at Trader Joe's, the sun leaving the day a bit sooner, and the cold smell in the air. I can smell the cold coming, can't you? (Again, I know cold should be written as "cold" because we're 70 degree San Diego...but it's all relative.)

Even though I won't see fall leaves around the city, I know that for the next couple months, I can find them here...and so can you. Maybe when winter comes, I'll pretend we have snow and do a mountain scene.

Speaking of mountains, I'm hiking Mount Whitney next Sunday. If all goes as planned, my friend and I will be summiting the tallest peak in the lower 48 in a 14 hour hike adventure. Got any tips? (FYI: We're over-prepared for it as far as safety goes, but if you have any tips that might make the 26 mile hike feel more like a 12 mile hike...I'd greatly appreciate it!)

Enjoy the last few days of the summer season.


  1. A 26 mile hike? Gadzooks! That's a big one, for sure. I have noticed that, being accustomed to jogging pace when I'm out and about, walking is surprisingly slow. Best of luck, should be an amazing trip...

  2. love the new look. as for whitney, my only suggestions are a) stay hydrated and take calories every hour or two, b) don't overpack, c) take plenty of rest stops and d) make sure to REALLY notice all the little things around you. HAVE FUN!
