Monday, January 10, 2011

I guess I did make some resolutions

Without realizing I was doing it, I've sent my life in a new, chaotic direction. The ball is rolling, now I have to keep up with it. Actually, that's a little dramatic for what I've been up to, but in case you haven't noticed, I've been an unfaithful blogger the last few weeks. My excuse is that I'm having a busy year and honestly forget sometimes that I have one of these crazy fun bloggy things.

Last week I started ballet and piano classes. Not sure what I expected, but it's more than just two hours at the beginning of my week to work around. I guess if I didn't want to be any good at them it could be; however, working in a little extra time to practice my new hobbies means my weekly mileage totals have taken a hit.

I thought I'd be able to stick to my running schedule (doing a halfer in a couple weeks and want to run Catalina in March), but I'm finding it difficult as my initial enthusiasm for these new hobbies is fading and I'm no longer running on adrenaline. On top of my new pursuits the school semester is coming to a close in a couple weeks which means I have to figure out what I'm testing the kiddos on and then write finals for all 140 of them-- plus grade all the papers I have right now. Then there's the freelance deadline I'm up against next week--an article I haven't even started yet. (Hope my editor doesn't see that.)

I jumped with both feet into the new year and now find myself in new depths. It's probably time to get out the old day planner and caffeinated coffee because I will have my ballet shoes and run in them too. I'll do my best to keep up in the blogosphere, but indubitably postings are going to suffer. Don't forget about me.

On a side note: Anyone out there running the Carlsbad Half or Full in a couple weeks? Maybe I'll see you out there.

Keep on truckin'


  1. Ballet? How wonderful! My older daughter was on the fast track to be a prima ballerina with the Boston Ballet in her youth. Then we moved. Word of warning: If the ballet sticks, you will find it incongruous with running. Running shortens the leg muscles that ballet requires be stretched.

  2. Yeah, I know. But, I'm not planning on being a prima or an olympian. I just want to see how far I can take it. I always wanted to get on pointe as a kid. That's my only goal right now.
