Saturday, February 6, 2010

To Do

If you don't already know this about me...I like To Do lists. And, I've only just realized why I like them: Goals.

I talked to a professor of mine from college a couple weeks ago and told him about my frustrations with teaching high school and how I'm thinking about grad school. His eyes lit up and he agreed so whole-heartedly with the idea of me becoming a professor it almost made me cry. He told me (he's a psychology professor by the way) that I am the type of person who will never be content unless I am working toward something bigger and better. Good to know that about myself, but that also doesn't sound like contentment to me. Does this mean I'll never be happy? Never be content with anything?

It's true. I went straight from high school to college to credentialing program to master's degree, to 80 units post-grad to move up the salary scale...and now that all of this is finished, I'm unhappy and feel useless. I spend my downtime thinking, "So, is this it for the rest of my life?" I need a distraction or something to overcome. This is most likely why I signed up for the Napa Valley Marathon a few months ago. I need something to distract me from the bells that run my life every day. I need the next big challenge.

That challenge is proving to be quite an adversary. I told you that the Sport Med. Doc gave me the green light to keep training. So, I ran 3 easy miles the very next day and my hip flared up as soon the run ended. Thus, I've decided to take a few more days off and keep the ibuprofen and Inflamend regimen going and I've moved from Arnica to Icy-Hot...I'm pretty much over the herbal/all natural bullshit...give me the chemicals that burn and ice at the same time!

Without running every day I have noticed some changes in myself. For instance, I'm not as creative-- I haven't been able to write a decent article for the Voice of San Diego this week. I usually spend my long runs composing them in my mind. I don't know how to do it on the couch with ice on my hip. But, I also realized that without my training, I don't have anything to say on my blog either... and with or without training for Napa, it shouldn't be that way.

This blog is supposed to be for you the reader. Not for me. I've become incredibly selfish. I started it with the intent to run new trails and roads in San Diego and then offer my critique and helpful suggestions about each one. Instead, I've been selfishly talking about my marathon training and now my injury. I'm sorry San Diego runners (and other non-area readers who happen to read this--despite that fact that it probably bores you) I have let you down.

So I've come up with a new To Do list and it's not for big ol' selfish me (except it is, because I need Goals to be Happy):

1. Review one new trail/road next week
2. Review one new trail/road the week after
3. Repeat number 2 as many times as needed until task is complete

I have to get back to my original intent here because if I can't follow through on that promise, then how can I expect to follow through to the finish line in Napa? (There I go getting selfish again.)


  1. It does sound like the time has come for you to "hit your hip" with all that you've got. It's so hard to know, at this stage, what's best, but I think rest is probably the lesser of the evils!
    As far as the purpose of your blog goes, really it's up to you what you'd like to put on here, I'll still stop by. I have 2 blogs; my running blog is much more about me and my stop-start progress than anything else. I figured it would be fun to look back on, when I cross the 26 mile line :)
    Oh, and thanks for the 'motivation' - I'm going out on Wednesday for the first time in 6 weeks ;)

  2. 1) I too suffer from to-do lists. I'm a runner who just moved to San Diego and is always looking for new places to run. I hope you don't mind that I stole your running location to-do list.

    2) I'm glad you're off the all-natural kick. Natural is great. If it works. Astounding how often naturopathy/homeopathy types are offended when you ask for evidence (which you damn well should when your health is concerned). Show us
    the data! You know what they alternative medicine that works? Medicine.

    3) Also, as a recent addition to the San Diego/outdoors/running scene, I have my own blog which I would be THRILLED if you would list in your feeds. :)

    4) Napa is fun but can get kind of boring. Since it's all along the floor of Napa Valley, it's flat, and you can only look at grapes for so long. Also at that time of year they can still get the odd spritz up there, so be sure to be psychologically ready for weather, and GOOD LUCK!

  3. I used to teach at the college level. Very different animal from high school (even if some of the students are not!). I hope it's all you are seeking.

    Looking forward to seeing which trails/roads you hit in the next couple of weeks.
