Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank You Mr. Lowe for the Tuck & Roll

First of all, congrats to Meb Keflezighi, winner of the New York City Marathon. So jealous.

Second of all, Mr. Lowe was my high school volleyball coach for three years. Thank goodness we practiced dives and rolls, otherwise the fall I took today on my "easy 3 miler" could have been tragic. While in the shower when I got home, it came to me why I've been such a klutz today. It's homecoming week at school, and today's dress up day was "Geeked-Up." I thought about being a Twilight geek, but that would have involved spending money on a "Team Edward" T-shirt or some other such nonsense...something with which I have moral and visceral issues. (Meaning: I can't stand Stephanie Meyers' writing ability and I loathe the Kristen/Rob drama, so the thought of supporting any of them in any way makes me feel sick to my stomach.) Then, I couldn't find a Harry Potter wand or Griffindor scarf left over from the Halloween costumes at Target, so I went "Classic Geek." I wore an argyle sweater and socks, and put white-out on the bridge of my glasses (to look like tape). But, I'm pretty sure dressing up in all my glorious geekness jinxed the rest of my day. I'll explain...

I found a great little dirt path that runs along the outer edge of Liberty Station (in Point Loma) on a leg of the harbor...not really sure what that would be called...it's not a river, but it's not the harbor. I think it's just tide overflow or something. Anyway, it was really pretty. However, I should have spent less time looking at the scenery and more time looking at the trail, because I hit a rock and then dropped like one. I have NEVER taken a fall on a run. Ever. So, I guess it was just a matter of time. Thankfully, no one was around. I dropped hard and fast, but recovered just as quickly because of my good ol' volleyball training. I tucked, rolled sideways across my back and was on my feet checking for wounds without losing a beat. I had some scrapes on my left palm, and will probably have a bruise on my left hip and parts of my spine, but other than that, I was still lookin' good. I was reminded of what my dad used to say to me after I made a silly mistake on the volleyball or basketball court, "Ehhh...who cares? At least you looked good doing it." So, I guess the lesson here is twofold: 1. When running a new trail or road, no matter how great the scenery may be, watch where you're going (especially if you were dressed like a geek all day) and 2. If you're going down...do it with style!

Oh, and...the other klutzy thing I did today? Sliced open my index finger whilst trying to trim flower stems with a knife. I did NOT look good doing that.


  1. "...hit a rock and then dropped like one" - hahaha! I love that image, and would have laughed at you mercilessly had I been there. (Now I'm scared to go for a run, because this comment is loaded with bad karma.)

  2. oh yes it is loaded with karma, ER. be carefy! and seriously thank you for always reading and commenting on my pathetic blogs :) you're the bestestest.
