Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break... next week!! Freeeeeedoooom.
A rest from work and a continued rest for my hip.

Yes, I've (once again!) decided to stay off the leg for 3 weeks, maybe 4, just to ensure that it is fully healed. I thought, somehow, that since my hip flexor didn't hurt during or after the marathon, it had somehow been healed by the race. Not so. But, I do feel confident that giving it a nice long reprieve will ensure it is healed and good to enter the next round of training: getting faster.

So that's why my blog has been lackluster lately... but perhaps with the coming of Spring and its Break, I will become re-inspired, refreshed and ready to take on the new challenges I've set for myself.

'Till next week-
Keep on truckin'

1 comment:

  1. Really, we should send your hip and my knee off on a girls' package at a day spa; they can do their self-absorbed complaining together while we get on with fun stuff like running!
    I'm going for a gentle trot this weekend and will be hoping to get past 5 miles with no twinges.
    Have a wonderful spring break!
