Monday, April 5, 2010

You Spin Me Right 'Round...

baby, right 'round
like a record, baby
right 'round, 'round, 'round.

Damn that's a good song. And it's the one my spin instructor started class with this evening. I knew I liked her the moment I saw the pink bandana around her head. The song sealed the deal: Monday night is now officially spin night.

No joke, though, she kicked my ass. KICKED it. The last "uphill sprint" we did during the last two minutes of the workout almost did me in... I was about 5 pedals away from jumping off the bike and having to run for the trashcan. That. Close.

Why work so hard you may ask. Well let me tell you. Spring Break stands for:

Stone Brewery's IPA
Pistacio Cupcakes
Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs
Ice Cream
Not Running. Not even a little bit.
Gravy and Biscuits (spring doesn't end with an "m" or it's would say, "Mom's biscuits and homemade-sausage gravy." We don't mess around at the ranch. )

Baskets of Chocolate and more chocolate
Rice Krispy Treats
Eggs-- deviled of course
Apple Crisp with REAL vanilla ice cream (not the lite stuff)
Koffee (I know, I cheated a little on the spelling) "drinks" (Starbucks' Dark Chocolate Cherry... yeah right, it's a drink)

Every thing on that list is something I ate (or drank)--in copious amounts.

But that ends today. I ate healthy all day and ended it drenched in sweat and feeling just as happy as if I had eaten an entire coffee cake. That's the crazy thing about working out; it has the same "happy" effect as sugar, except after exercising you don't get the sad "crash"--as they call it. And the double bonus is that exercise helps crush your sugar cravings because your elevated endorphins make you happy and feel satisfied, thus you don't need the sugar to feel that way. It's a crazy biologically backwards world we live in, but at least it's beautiful to run or bike through.

I got some good news today as well... I may be able to check off one of the "To Do Goals" I set recently... Can you guess which one it is? See the list HERE. (Scroll to the bottom of the post to see it.)

OH! In all my spin-class-happitity, I almost forgot. Today is the first day you can enter the lottery for the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon or Half Marathon. Go get 'em.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking you either took the GRE or got paid for writing something. I'd prefer the latter myself :-)
