Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Perv Alert

I just got back from a fantastic trip to Portland, Oregon--which I will debrief here in a few days--but, upon returning yesterday, I came back sad to hear that two female joggers in the South Park area were attacked by someone. The women weren't hurt, but they were physically assaulted. The weirdo attacked in broad daylight with other people around who came to their rescue.

It never hurts to be reminded every once in a while to be aware of you surroundings. Today is your reminder. Run with someone when you can, carry pepper spray when you can't and (as the police officer who "pulled over" my jogging friend the other day to warn her said), "If you're going to listen to music, only put one ear piece in" because it A.) Allows you to hear your surroundings better and B.) Makes you appear like a less easy target... like you might actually be paying attention to what you're doing out there.

Also, remember women, it's OK to demand safety for yourself. Don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt that they aren't up to something. If you're suspicious-- yell at the person who is making you feel uncomfortable. When I used to take martial arts as a teen I was required to shout "Back OFF!" consistently in order to get used to hearing myself use my voice that way. It builds confidence and self awareness. And besides, what's the worst that will happen if you shout this at another person? They might actually back off? They'll choose a different path? Even if you feel bad that you may have shouted at a perfectly innocent man, DON'T, because if he really is a good guy, he'll understand that you need to feel safe and he was encroaching on that.

I suggest you practice demanding your safety by shouting, "You need to BACK OFF!" or "Don't come ANY CLOSER!" or "YOU'RE CREEPING ME OUT! MOVE ALONG!" at your roommate, spouse, BFF, running buddy, etc. until you are OK hearing yourself do that. If you don't practice, you might not use it when you need it. Hopefully you'll never need it, but the first line of defense--as my dad drilled into my brain growing up:

"Always be aware of your surroundings."

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing how many freaks there really are out there. I think I should get my daughters into martial arts. Great post.
