Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh the Possibilities

I decided last minute to run the OC (Orange County) Half Marathon yesterday. I signed up last Wednesday and it was a whirlwind week, so I have many blogs to read and get caught up on now... but it was worth it.

I wasn't looking forward to doing another half marathon after the La Jolla just one weekend prior (and physically it was not a wise decision); however, a good friend from Rhode Island flew out to run it and I couldn't see myself doing the whole drive-around-and-cheer I ran too. I'm glad I did because I finally broke 2 hours! Speediness is in sight!

Before yesterday I couldn't imagine myself running faster than a 9:30 pace.

Now I can
Imagine it
Believe it.

Race Pace (according to my GPS, not chip time--which I still need to look up) was an 8:59. Just barely broke out of the 9's!
This success means it's official: the time has come for me to decide which running club to join...

My research has come up with:

The Hash House Harriers: The self-proclaimed drinking club with a running problem. Could be fun... but not the type of puking I'm looking for, I think.

Team in Training: A really good cause and I envy those who can raise all that money, but I don't think I'm ready for that sort of commitment yet. I'm still too selfish.

Team VAVi Run Club: Don't know much about it--but am beginning to research it. Looks more social than pace-oriented...but the price is right. They are currently sold out and not advertising for any upcoming races. So... a "no" for now.

San Diego Track Club: Most likely the club I will choose. Someone told me the coaches (or maybe the other runners?) are mean. That's exactly what I need... someone to yell at me and tell me to stop being a baby. Run harder.

I don't need a drink. I don't need a friend. I need speed if I'm ever to going to attempt qualifying for Boston.

Discussion question: What do you need from your runs?

Next weekend: Cinco de Mayo Trail Race 10K
Then I think I should back off of the races for my money and my joints for the track club.

Keep on truckin' my friends.


  1. The SDTC coaches aren't mean but they will push you, which is good. And there's something liberating about being told what to do and then having someone watch you do it.

    Congratulations on breaking the 2-hour barrier. Whoo-hoo!

  2. i think my friend mandi was training with san diego track club for a while and she got SO FAST! they do track workouts a few nights a week, right? she hated them but thinks that's what made her speed up!
    congratulations on going so damn fast!

  3. I'd love to know, did you run a steady 9-ish pace, or did you start at 9:30 and speed up later?
    Either way, I'm thrilled for you, and it's particularly impressive after running another the week before.
    The closest I ever get to Boston will definitely be cheering from the sidelines, and I'm OK with that.

  4. Thanks for your input on the SDTC anne and beth.

    struggler: i started at a 9:00 pace because that's what my friend was doing and I was planning on backing off to a 9:30 about half way through. But most miles I averaged about an 8:45-9:15. What brought my average down was a couple hills that I did about a 13:00 pace up--so those splits were closer to 11:00 miles. For the most part I tried to hover around 9:00 from start to finish...not the best strategy--but I'm not good at picking up the pace halfway through...that's what I need to learn to do.
    And thanks for your kind words as always!

  5. SDTC has a bad rep - sometimes deserved. I've had good experiences with their coach, but some of their runners are overly competitive jerks. Unfortunately, it only takes one or two jerks to really ruin the fun of running.

    I've done events with Team in Training and highly recommend Coach Ronnie and Coach James for running. I've also done a non-running program with Coach Kerry and he's awesome. They're good people and great runners. (The fundraising isn't as troubling as you'd expect.)

    Another option is San Diego Striders from the YMCA. Economical and I think Coach Leann is still the coach there. She's a sweetheart and a very good runner.

    There's also West Coast Road Runners - I don't know much about them, but I see their runners all over San Diego.

    You've got plenty of options if you haven't already made a pick.
