Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blog #2 in Voice of San Diego

Whoo hoo! My grumblings about teaching are slowly finding their way into the world...or at least to the small percentage of San Diegans who read online newspapers. Last article was directed at The Man, this one is directed at the parents of high school teenagers.

I Long for the Days of Note Passing

(But if you don't enjoy--don't tell me)


  1. I was a student before everyone had cell phones and I remember being so amazed in my senior year at Uni when the freshmen all seemed to have them. Even for 18 year olds, cellphones were considered utter luxury in my peer group.
    I can't begin to imagine how you could deal with this effectively...

  2. My 2 year old carries a phone in his backpack. He only uses it to call daddy or grammy, but I do sometimes wonder the ramifications of letting him have one so early. (cant believe I just admitted that)

    (No, I didn't go buy one just for him. My husband let my son keep his personal cell since he has a work cell.)
