Friday, December 4, 2009

I have a master's degree, and yet...


1. Pee in a bathroom that looks like a temporary, make-shift commode for a construction site. (Complete with a huge black widow and at least 2 daddy long legs. Incalculable number of ants.)

2. Collect and handle papers that are often mysteriously stuck together with unidentifiable grayish substances (I refuse to admit to myself that they are really boogers or other body fluids. GAG).

3. Find myself often saying, "Get that out of your mouth," and "Don't touch each other."

Just three things I realized today.
As far as training goes, it's a rest day, but I gotta go run.


  1. not only do you amaze me athletically, healthfully and by your beauty....but these thoughts alone are written in such an entertaining and spicy way that it's totally unmudane! i love you and loved seeing you...sorry it was such a bummer day/weekend :(

  2. Thanks Joss! Loved seeing you too- wish we weren't under pressure to leave for Sac that night. We'll have some better quality time in about 12 or 13 days! :)

  3. At first I thought you said 'black window' which seemed odd, but then I re-read it and am totally freaked out! I don't like the sound of the grayish substances either... hope you can keep healthy!

  4. I always said the only difference between a Kindergartner, 3rd grader, 8th grader, and high schooler is the size of their bodies! I'm so tired of seeing fingers buried up to the knuckle!
