Thursday, January 14, 2010

Short Story Challenge

I decided, at the last minute of minutes, to enter the NYC Midnight Movie Making Madness Short Story Competition (that's a keyboard full...) again this year. If you want to see what this competition is about, and possibly do it next year, then click HERE. However, here's a quick run down: Contestants are placed into heats of about 20-30 people, and then each heat is given a different genre and subject. (Examples: Fantasy/Sewing Machine or Historical Fiction/Chocolate) Contestants then have 8 days to write a short story using the genre and subject.

Last year I entered the competition and had to write a horror story involving a metal detector. If you're interested in seeing what I came up with, you can read it by clicking HERE. (I'm not gonna lie, it is cheese ball!) It was fun and stressful...but mostly fun. I won my heat in the first round, which allowed me to move into the final round. I competed against 30 or so people, in a 24 hour round, and had to write a sci-fi story involving a neighbor. This final round happened to fall on the 24 hours of my birthday, so I...being the selfish person I am...wrote a crap piece in 8 hours, slept the whole night away so that in the morning I was fresh to edit, send it off, and go to Disneyland for free. You will find no link to this particular story...smiley face, smiley face.

This year, the final round does not fall on my birthday--so I can't use that as an excuse for a crappy story if I am lucky enough to get into the second round.

The first round starts tonight. The assignment is:
Genre: Drama
Subject: a computer hacker
Due: before midnight on January 23rd.

If you want to do the challenge along with me, for fun or just to practice some writing, link it to my page. I would love to see what sort of story you can come up with in 8 days. Let the fun begin.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like a great competition, but there's no way on earth I could ever write horror or sci-fi; I'd end up with comedy for sure.
    Best of luck with your dramatic computer hacking!
