Sunday, January 24, 2010

Three Things I Googled Recently

Q: Why do I shiver sometimes after a long run?

A: (revised, in my own words) After an intense workout, the core body temperature can drop suddenly, especially if one stays in sweaty/wet workout clothes. The best way to stop the shivering and prevent possible hypothermia, is to immediately remove wet clothes and take a warm shower (even on warm days the shivering may happen if you enter a cool place.) If no shower is immediately available, say for example you are at a race and won't be getting home for a while, get a space blanket from a medic station. I always wondered why these were handed out after races--even when the race takes place on a hot day--but I definitely used one (actually two) after the first marathon I ran in May 2006. It was a hot day, but when I finished the race, my body temp dropped and my husband found the space blankets while I shivered on the grass next to a trash can. It was pretty amazing....

Q: How do I get the mildew stink out of my "high-tech"/CoolMax running clothes?

A: Penguin Sport Wash Laundry Detergent. "Its residue-free, non-allergenic formula is designed to keep high-tech fabric at peak performance and odor-free by washing away residues left by regular detergents, removing dirt, neutralizing bacteria, and restoring breathability, moisture-wicking, and factory applied waterproofing (DWR). And it's biodegradable, so your conscience is as clean as your gear."

Q: Are electrolytes salt?

A: Yes. More specifically: sodium (table salt), potassium, magnesium, and calcium are all electrolytes. Huh. So all those fancy sports drinks we buy... all those "gu's" and "blocks" and "beans" can be replaced--at no cost-- by a packet of salt from In-and-Out and a wrist to sprinkle it on and lick off (tequila-shot style!) Well...medically, that's probably not the best idea, because during a long run you need both the calories and the electros. So, maybe hang on to the Gu. But, I do plan to grab a salt packet the next time I'm at In-and-Out and give the salt lick a try.


  1. A lot of us running bloggers tested a product called ProWash last year, with very good results. I've tried the product you researched, but it didn't work on the more powerful smells. This stuff did - and it should because it ain't cheap.

  2. I had always thought the shivering was related to the blood being needed elsewhere, as the body battles to perform and/or start to repair itself. Oh, and I gave my hubby a scare one day when my lips went blue. Happily I felt fine and we realized it was because of the blueberry Gu gel I had consumed! Good to know that a salt packet is another option :)

  3. Struggler- my lips DID turn (slightly) blue after my 20 miler last week-- I shivered for a long time in bed before I started to warm wasn't good. But, I think I know what to do next time. I think your blood theory probably is what causes the drop in core temp.

  4. You mean I'm not the only one with STANK? If I'd only googled it!
