Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thank you legs

I remember this feeling from the last marathon I trained for, and I got it again today: I am thankful for my legs--even my thighs!

Dear Thunder Thighs,
Thank you for your contribution during our 16 mile run today. If I were more flexible, I would bend over and kiss you both. Because of your hard work today, I will wear whatever pair of pants you want, no matter how unflattering they may be to our saddlebags, because we ran 16 miles and feel great.

Well, I feel tired. But, I'm not puking which is a former post-long run habit of mine. I attribute this good feelingness to a combination of The Galloway Method, ice baths and more level hormones than in 2006.

To the ladies out there: I firmly believe that certain types of birth control slow us down and affect the way we feel during long workouts. I have no science to back it up...just years of changing them or not using them or changing them again. (And, this might be TMI*, but I run great when I'm not on the pill. Hopefully that bit of TMI will help one of you out there, then it will be worth sharing publicly.)

Friends, in whatever sense it means to you...
Keep on truckin'

*Too much information

1 comment:

  1. Thunderous or not (and I'm guessing not really!) your thighs and the rest of you did great!
    Thanks so much for your kind comments about my knees; I'm sure after a break I'll be able to do half marathons at least.
    But I'll be stopping by here to cheer you on towards Napa!
