Monday, January 18, 2010

With success comes a new set of fears...

I ran 20 miles on Saturday! I'm happy, but it also scared me. I didn't feel so hot during the last four miles or so. In fact, I felt quite s***ty. Considering the fact that I tacked on an extra two miles when I shouldn't have, and thus should have only felt s***ty for 2 miles, makes me feel slightly better...but not much. I need to focus on the reasons I'm happy with this run...and in honor of the Shakespearean play I'm finishing up with my freshman this week, I will do it a la Friar Lawrence when he attempts to comfort Romeo after Romeo has been sentenced to banishment:

Me: Six miles more hath I. Aye me, and to perform thusly at twenty?! Six! The pain I endureth cuts off my head with a golden axe and pronounceth me finished.

Friar Lawrence: Thou hast a pack of blessings light upon thy back. Thou art healthy and uninjured after this task. There art thou happy. Thou hast completed more miles than before without the force of upheaval. There art thou happy. And thou art free to trod light on Saturday next. There art thou happy. So suck it up and stop whining.

Me: Ay, Friar Lawrence, thou hast comforted me much. Now, can I have one of your "sweet tonics" from the back room? I know you have some stashed back there...

I know that was cheesy and completely self-indulgent, but it's too much fun for me. Shakespeare was a genius and whenever I read one of his plays certain monologues get stuck in my head. Friar Lawrence's "there art thou happy" is one that sticks around for a while each year.

The new-sprung fear I have at the moment, about last Saturday's long run, is that I had a good deal of pain in my left thigh. Sort of like a pulled groin muscle, maybe? But, it's better now. I went for a 4 mile jog today and it felt fine. However, the pain didn't get bad until after about mile 13 on Saturday. The other thing I'm concerned about is that fact that I started to feel sick at the end. But, at the same time, I'm encouraged because I ate some salty peanuts as soon as I started to feel nauseous and about ten minutes later I didn't feel sick "there art [I] happy"...I guess. No, I'm still concerned about it.

On a different subject: It's hurricane wind and rain outside--loads of fun! I love when San Diego has crazy weather like the rest of the country. It's sort of like having a really close friend whom you haven't seen in a long time come stay with you for a while. At first you're so excited they're staying with you because you haven't seen them in so long you almost forgot what they were like! And then, after a few hours you remember how high maintenance they can be and how they're always messing up your plans and ruining your clothes and eating all your food...then you just want them to go away so that life can return to normal.

Luckily, I'm in the "I love seeing you! You can stay forever!" phase. However, I know once I have to drive 30 miles to work tomorrow through freeway rivers, I'll be wishing the sun back again. And, I'm not sure how I feel about the 7 miles I need to do tomorrow either. Can I really stick it out that long on a treadmill if I have to? I guess we'll find out...until then friends,

keep on truckin'


  1. Your Shakespearean talents are multitude indeed!
    Congrats on the 20 miles, that's a huge achievement, although sorry it wasn't more joyful the whole way... don't know what to say about your thigh pain; I haven't had the 'pleasure' of that one myself. Sounds like feeling sick was just your body needing the salt that you gave it...
    Love your analogy of the weather and a close friend - we're getting storms in the Bay Area too, which is great fun until you get woken by thunder at 5:20AM and realize you have to go to work. Oh yes, and getting to work to find a power outage which results in 90 minutes 'lost' from the day!!

  2. Struggler-
    The power went out in my classroom just as I was locking up and heading out the door for the day. I had to walk through ankle-deep water in the parking lot to get my car where 80 mph winds slammed my car door into me--and actually hurt me! Then, it almost knocked me over trying to climb in! I couldn't believe how not-like-San Diego the weather was no more than 2 hours ago.'s sunny. WTF?? Good luck out there with your weather. Be safe!

  3. Keep the writing or running, it's the only real thing that matters as you work through your "fears".


  4. Ashley, You HAVE to read David Sedaris's "The Drama Bug." In fact, I'm going to find it right now and email it to you. It will make thou happiest.
