Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weird Week

What a crazy week. Today is Saturday, but it doesn't feel like it. I didn't do a long run....I just wasn't ready for it to be Saturday yet.

We had a number of storms hit San Diego this week. It was great for many reasons-- the first being that the storms caused the power to go out at my school two days in a row. I know, I know...I'm not supposed to be happy about that. I'm the teacher. Only the kids are supposed to be happy. But, sorry kids...teachers are just as pleased as you are about skipping school--if not more so.

The days off allowed me to work on my submission for the NYC Midnight Movie Making Madness Short Story Competition. Wheew. Still a keyboard full. Not very happy with the Drama/Computer Hacker story I came up with...but at least I did it and it's properly edited, unlike last year when I sent in a story with the word "comma" instead of "coma." Kind of a big difference that little "m" makes.

Because of the storms, I wasn't able to run outside as much as I would have liked. On Wednesday morning, when I heard school was canceled, I got in a great 5 mile hill run before the second big storm came. It was pretty awesome running in the sunshine, but also seeing the storm approaching over the ocean--ominous and beautiful.

School was canceled Thursday as well, but the weather was too bad to run. I'd like to clarify one thing. I have no problem running in the rain--and I have done it many times. I actually like running in the rain. A lot. However, the reason this particular storm prevented me from doing so is because the winds were so strong. Trees fell on peoples cars and fact a friend of ours had a cypress fall on his car and totaled it! And do you have any idea how big palm fronds are? And how easily they are ripped from the tops of the trees? I imagined running along, running along, running along, BAM! Newspaper headlines read: "Runner suffers brutal bitch slap by palm frond in hurricane force winds. May have brain damage." (Also the longest headline ever.)

With all my extra free-time indoors, I discovered a fun site called The Daily Mile where I can meet other San Diego runners and track my mileage and races...all for free. It's fantastic. If you're training for something (or not) check it out.

So. Since it's been a weird week and I have my days all mixed up... I'm going to move my long, slow, distance run to tomorrow. We'll see if I can make it happen. The weather cleared this afternoon. San Diego has returned to normal. Maybe my schedule will too!


  1. Glad you found me on Daily Mile. I think I'm going to enjoy reading your blog. Good luck with that movie treatment.

  2. I quite like running in the rain too, but only for short distances when I know there's a good hot shower at the end of it.
    Will definitely check out the Daily Mile, am just a bit (no, a lot) behind on emails and stuff!
    Good luck with your story.
